

クミコ-kumiko- online LIVE(01/31)

【Jan30 8:30pm(NY time)】
KUMIKO LIVE on Ust to convey a song of "wish for peace" to everyone in the world.

[ INORI~祈り~ ] Lyrics in ENGLISH (revised edition)

I knew my life was coming to an end but I couldn’t tell how I really felt inside.
I secretly whispered to those colorful folded paper cranes.
I missed all my love and their tenderness
Please God, allow me to stay with them a little longer.
I cried and cried. I was tired of crying. I was shivering from fear.
INORI”“INORI” I wished I could live.

Everytime I fold a paper crane, the pain of parting welled up in me.
But if I strived to fold a string of one thousand paper cranes,
I believed that I could return to my warm sweet home.
I kept my fingers crossed and kept folding paper cranes
But I couldn’t stop crying because I knew my departure was coming closer no matter what.
I cried and cried. I was tired of crying. The paper cranes encouraged me.
INORI”“INORI” I dreamed of my wish every day.

My time has come. I lastly want to express my gratitude as my last words
All I want to do is thank you for all. I have been happy all my life.
I cried and cried. I was tired of crying. The paper cranes encouraged me.
INORI”“INORI” I dreamed of my wish every day.

Many seasons go by, I am still wishing..
I never want anyone to go through the same pain and sorrow.
I never want anyone to experience such pain and sorrow.


"INORI" created a sensation in Japan and became a long hit in music sales chart.Sadako wished that nobody else would have to go through the same pain as her own. We believe that this song can create bonds of love among people.

about INORI. 
The Orizuru with your wish for peace. | "INORI" Project





This song was released in Japan in 1961 so this is 50th anniversary year.Japanese title "Ue wo Muite Arukō" means "Let's walk looking up".Cover by "A Taste of Honey" reached #3 on U.S. Billboard Hot 100 chart.

原曲は14世紀にアントニオ・ザカーラ・ダ・テーラモ(Antonio Zaccara da Teramo / Zacara / Zacar / Zachara)が作曲。欧米で人気を呼んだこの曲にフランス語の歌詞を付けて、ミレイユ・マチュウ(Mireille Mathieu)がシャンソン風に唄いました。米国では「When a child is born (Soleado)」クリスマス・ソングとして今も多くの歌手によって歌われているそうです。

"Soleado" was composed more than 600 years ago.This song is known as "On ne vit pas sans se dire adieu" in France and in US, it is well konwn as "When A Child Is Born".

「この素晴らしき世界」―[What a Wonderful World]
作詞作曲のBob Thieleは、ベトナム戦争を嘆き、平和な世界を夢見てこの曲を書いたそうで、戦争のむなしさや冷酷さを描いた映画「グッドモーニング、ベトナム」にも使われました。

Bob Thiele wrote this song at the time of Vietnam war wishing for more peaceful world.This song was included in the soundtrack for the film "Good Morning Vietnam" in 1987.


The next online LIVE will start on 15th February 20:00pm[JPT].

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